8 Φεβ 2023

Fa - Lithi

Fa area is not served by public transport. The length of the route and its steep slope may be tiring during the summer.


Starting from Fa, we look for the starting point of the route on the asphalt route from Agios Giorgis Sykousis to Avgonyma. We meet on our right (at 5200 meters from the intersection), the signpost of the route, where the dirt route begins, almost downhill and easy. The route develops into a stone road, dating from the post-revolutionary period - around 1850. This is the road that connected Lithi with the paths of Central Chios. After a short time we will find a damaged bridge, at the point where the stream crosses the Fa as well as manicured fields with figs, olives and almond trees. The forest around Fa has burned a few years ago, but the natural reforestation is impressive.

This cobblestone road is one of the few that have survived in such good condition, while it is also an excellent example of road construction of the early 19th century. It has transverse channels for water flow (technically), while the road support from dry stone is well done and in places where the slope is very steep, it is divided into two zones with the highest stepping on the lowest. In the difficult passages, the dry stone embraces the limestone blocks and where access is required, there are steps with stones that protrude from the slope of the support.

Continuing our route and leaving behind the small plain of Fa, we now move to the sides of a ravine with a large slope where after halfway we get a panoramic view to Lithi and its port. The route begins to acquire a steeper downhill slope and has two hairpins to compensate for the change in altitude. However, there is an alternative small path, which bypasses these turns and shortens the route considerably. Its condition is not good and it needs attention in its search and use, as it is strongly downhill.

Without other detours or intersections, the path ends at Lithi just above the stadium, where we move left to the center of the village or right to the port of Lithi.